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Atomic Mass Games Forum

Azool Phantelle

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  1. Awesome that helps a lot. If a character is defending from a ranged attack coming from an attacker at a lower elevation, do they roll any extra defense dice if they do not have a hunker token?
  2. Let’s say my character makes a ranged attack against another character who is at a lower elevation. The defending character has a hunker token and is partially behind a small box (same elevation as the defender but lower elevation than the attacker). How many extra defense dice does the defender roll?
  3. From what I understand based on the wording of the rules: If you are attacking a character at a lower elevation than you, the defender does not benefit from any cover. If you are defending from an attacker at a lower elevation than you, you get +1 cover. Please let me know if this is accurate and if not, a synopsis of the benefits of high ground would be fantastic.
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