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Everything posted by Vozzici

  1. Hi, had a question concerning Gar Saxon's command card "Fight Another Day" and the interaction with the upgrade "Long-Range Comlink". Fight another day states "Gar Saxon cannot issue orders beyond range 1." where as Long-range comlink says "... You can be issued orders by a friendly commander or operative regardless of range. So if I play Fight another day, can I issue an order to a Mandalorian squad equipped with Long-range comlink that is at range 2 or further of Gar Saxon? Thanks in advance.
  2. So certain attacks like ATST mortar or command cards that grant ranged 4- inf attacks is what I'm asking about. Does the range of the attack include the range 4 band, or is it beyond range 4? For example if I use Leia's coordinated bombardment attack and I want to declare a unit at range 4 as a defender, will they be an eligible target? and if not, will that mean if I attack using a range 1-3 weapon, will the only eligible targets be units at range 2 and 3?
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