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  1. If you were to activate Vader, Emperor's Servant using a shatterpoint while his actual order card is in the discard pile, and you do not wound while going with the shatterpoint, do you shuffle the actual activation card back into the order deck?
  2. Hi, A question came while in a game as to when exactly the dice from mindtrick is removed. I believe everyone assumes that you just subtract 2 dice from the next roll before the roll is made. However based off attack timing and and when the wording of "remove 2 attack dice" occurs, it seems to be removed after attacker has rolled and attacker expertise is applied and modified. When should the dice actually be removed?
  3. Was having a discussion in discord and someone said that handmaidens can trigger off a clone coordinated fire and Queen Amidala's trigger. Does the check for 2 separate tags allow this? Or does only one still trigger?
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