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Everything posted by Theylon

  1. Hey Team! Another player in my group raised the question about Super Tacs having seen the recent clarification on the clones. Given the recent clarification around Delta Squad being Unique without limiting the number of Clone Commados does the same apply to Super Tactical Droids, could you Opt to bring Kalani and Kracken or Kalani and the Super Tactical Droid as they appear to be the same on the cards. Thank you in advance.
  2. In this scenario pack and the other two partscenario the Endor bunker one it specifices that unique units destroyed cant be used in the second game. Does this apply for Vader (Commander) and Vader Operative both being disallowed due to the other being defeated. Similarly, we will be playing Seperatists vs Empire (none of us own rebels), if Kalani was lost would that disallow Kracken or a generic Super tactical Droid since they are all the same "unit".
  3. This card orders Poggle the Lesser and then lets you "issue up to two orders to friendly droid troopers at range 1". Is this order effected by Commanding Presence extending it to range 4, provided Poggle has the upgrade, or Long Range Commlink and Intergrated Comms Antenna. While this wouldn't be the ideal use of the card given the fire support rule range, given the card says You may Issue and its not part of the card where Poggle issues the orders, it seemed worth checking.
  4. Poggles Compel specifies Corps Separatist Alliance Trooper. Does this include Droid Troopers, or would it only include the Geonosian Warriors and any future non-droid troopers separatists get? Given the Super Tacs and T-Series both specify droid trooper/AI which would leave out Geonosians it seems worth checking. Thank you for your answers.
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