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Posts posted by Seth

  1. Hello, NetCop,

    You have quoted the most recent Standby rules correctly (page 33). A standby cannot be spent during that friendly unit's activation - referring to the unit with the Standby token. If another friendly unit is activating and an eligible trigger occurs at the appropriate range to spend the Standby, it can be spent. This would include an enemy unit performing a move as a result of the Force Push upgrade card.

    Hope this helps,

  2. Hello!

    Barricades cannot have objective or condition tokens placed on them, per the Barricades entry on page 11. Key Positions and Payload both state players place objectives token on a terrain piece - players are unable to nominate a Barricade.

    6 hours ago, AussieEngineeringCaptain said:

    What if players define other terrain that is similar to barricades (such as a group of boxes) as barricades for game play purposes? 

    Barricades are defined as those in Star Wars: Legion Core Sets and expansion packs. Groups of boxes - depending on their size - might be considered scatter terrain.

    As always, players should agree on the rules for the terrain on their table before the game begins.

    Hope this helps,

  3. Hello, Dandy,

    Referring to pages 37-38, under Repulsor vehicles:


    When determining the silhouette of a repulsor vehicle, create a cylinder above the base that begins at the lowest point of the miniature and extends to the top of the vehicle’s hull—do not include things like antennas, weapons, the base, the clear plastic stand, or crew members when creating this cylinder.

    The BARC Speeder's silhouette is the width of its base, begins at the bottom of the mini and ends at the top with all of the above specifications. The added width of the sidecar will not change the width of the base and is unlikely to affect the height of its silhouette.

    Hope this helps,

  4. Hello, SwissGood,

    You are correct and the quoted section (from page 30, Determine Cover) is accurate. More than half of the defending minis need to be determined to have heavy cover for the unit to have heavy cover. As stated in that same section: "Otherwise, the unit has light cover."

    In your example - an even number of minis with half obscured by terrain providing heavy cover and half obscured by terrain providing light cover - the unit has light cover.

    Hope this helps,

  5. Hello, Raistlin,

    Jyn Erso's Complete the Mission reads:


    (...) When a friendly trooper unit with a faceup order token activates, during its activation, it cannot become panicked or suppressed. (...)

    Before or after the unit's activation, it may receive enough order tokens to become panicked. Complete the Mission only prevents it during the ordered unit's activation.

    7 hours ago, Raistlin said:

    Since I can't be panicked I won't be able to remove suppression equal to my courage value at the end of the unit activation ? 

    You will not. This suppression removal is a consequence of beginning your Perform Actions step while panicked. Complete the Mission prevents the unit from becoming panicked during its activation.

    Hope this helps,

  6. Hello, Mandaluri,

    "Suffering Wounds and Defeating Miniatures" on page 31 describes the process for the defender to assign wounds. As it does not specify that LOS from the attacking unit leader is needed for a defending mini to be considered when determining the maximum amount of wounds the unit can suffer, LOS from any attacking mini will do.

    Hope this helps,

  7. Hello, Mandaluri,

    Darth Vader's Implacable command card states that he may suffer 1 wound to shuffle his order token back into the order pool at the end of his first activation. A token assigned to Darth Vader in the event a Closed Transport upon which he is embarked is destroyed was not placed on him at the end of his activation, and therefore that effect of Implacable cannot apply.

    Hope this helps,

  8. Impassable Terrain is whatever the players agree is such. This is terrain that cannot be moved through, even if using a Climb move, unless the unit in questions has specific keyword allowing it to do so.

    Your questions require more detail on terrain definitions. A wall and a hut are likely obstacle terrain. If they are shorter than the silhouette of the AT-ST and not Impassable (as determined by you!) - but rather, determined to be Open or Difficult - then the AT-ST could move over them. 

    Hope this helps,

  9. Hello, Hunter,

    As you noted, most "scoring steps" are specifically "at the end of the round" or "at the end of the game." This will be after all steps of the End Phase of the relevant round are complete, which includes the Remove Tokens step. Some units may no longer be panicked after this step, and will be able to be used to satisfy the Victory Conditions section of Objective Cards.

    In short: you got it!

    Hope this helps,

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