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Posts posted by Seth

  1. 10 hours ago, SergeyStark said:

    Is that enough to start melee?

    Yes, in your example, Luke Skywalker is in base contact with the enemy mini (Iden's ID10 Seeker Droid). The minis are touching when viewed from above, and the vertical distance between the two bases is no greater than the height of the lower miniature’s silhouette.

    Refer to the Bases and Base Contact section on page 5 of the Star Wars: Legion Core Rulebook for the full details!

    Note that the Small keyword only affects LOS, cover, and range. An enemy mini may still move into base contact with ID10, moving into melee.

    Hope this helps,

  2. Hello,

    5 hours ago, Aurebesh said:

    A) have dkt still 1 order token to activate ?

    The Dark Trooper may indeed activate later that turn by way of the Unstoppable keyword providing a second activation using a second order token.

    6 hours ago, Aurebesh said:

    B)since Vader has not activated, is Vader able to wound himself to return his order token into the stack and then perform one activation at least?

    The Implacable command card states that Darth Vader may suffer a wound to shuffle his order token back into the order pool at the end of his first activation. If he is assigned a facedown order token due to being transported when the transport vehicle is destroyed, it is not the end of his first activation, and the controlling player will not be able to use this effect of the Implacable command card.

    Hope this helps,

  3. Hello!

    11 hours ago, Palpatron said:

    if the Arsenal X keyword is on the unit that is Fire Supporting and NOT on the weapon profile, does this mean that Arsenal X cannot be applied by the Fire Supporting unit?

    Correct. A unit that is adding an eligible weapon to the attack pool of a friendly unit by way of the Fire Support keyword may only add one eligible weapon. The Arsenal X keyword will have no effect in this instance.

    11 hours ago, Palpatron said:

    Moff Gideon uses his 3 pip command card to give a face up order token to an AT-ST with all 4 available weapons after upgrades and General Weiss pilot which therefore has Arsenal 4.

    A friendly stormtrooper unit performs an attack and the AT-ST declares Fire Support. It has 3 weapons that are eligible for the attack. Can it use the unit & upgrade Arsenal X keywords to add all 3 weapons into the stormtrooper attack pool or can it only add 1 of the 3 eligible weapons as the Arsenal X keywords are on the unit and upgrade cards, not the weapon profile?

    The AT-ST may only add one eligible weapon to the Stormtroopers unit's attack pool when using Fire Support, regardless of the value of its Arsenal X keyword.

    This has been answered in a prior post: 

    Hope this helps,

  4. Hello,

    Your examples are legal attack pools. As per the Form Attack Pool step, "All weapons with an identical name must go in the same attack pool and cannot be split among multiple attack pools." As the Mandalorian Super Commandos have multiple weapons available to them, they may form multiple attack pools, so long as all weapons with an identical name are going in the same attack pool.

    Hope this helps,

  5. 8 hours ago, CT-5597 said:

    1. Is there a limitation on how many standby tokens you can spend when an enemy unit performs an action at range 1-2? If I have three units with standby tokens, and my opponent decides to perform an action at range 1-2 of all of them, can I spend them all at the same time?


    8 hours ago, CT-5597 said:

    2. If an enemy unit starts a move outside of standby range, and ends it within standby range, does that count as the unit performing an action at range 1-2?

    Yes. The Standby token is spent after the move, and the enemy unit will be at range 1-2 and LOS at that time.

    Hope this helps,

  6. Hello,

    On 1/24/2023 at 11:44 AM, JhayRhod said:

    Would the rebel trooper unit still get cover from the smaller piece of terrain even though the ATST has no LOS to the smaller piece of terrain? 

    They would receive cover from the smaller terrain, as an imaginary line between the attacking unit leader's silhouette and defending minis' will be obstructed by terrain that the AT-ST is not touching.

    Hope this helps,

    EDIT: note that this ruling was updated to more closely reflect the language in the core rulebook

  7. Hello!

    The Protector card allows the equipped unit to treat <critical> results as <hit> results while using Guardian. In the case of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Soresu Mastery, this does indeed mean that a dodge token may be spent to cancel a <critical> dice, as it is treated as a <hit> when Protector is exhausted.

    Hope this helps,

  8. On 1/16/2023 at 3:34 PM, Orkimedes said:

    It appears the mini-by-mini 50% height rule during terrain discussion has been removed.  The terrain discussion relative to cover only includes whether a given piece is light or heavy.

    Players are free to discuss whether or not terrain provide covers to different unit types. If not otherwise specified by the players, there is no automatic rule or default that terrain doesn't give cover based on its size/height relative to a mini's silhouette.

    On 1/16/2023 at 3:34 PM, Orkimedes said:

    1) Non-vehicle minis get cover from most/all terrain that is not purely decorative

    If any part of their silhouette is obscured by a piece of terrain that grants them cover, yes.

    On 1/16/2023 at 3:34 PM, Orkimedes said:

    If this is based on whether a vehicle is obscured at the time of the attack, and cover LOS is now done from every part of the attacker's silhouette at the time of attack, does this result in weird situations where a vehicle would be mostly or entirely obscured by a small piece of terrain from one point on the attacker's silhouette (if they are very close to said terrain piece but not touching it) and therefore provide it cover?

    If the vehicle's silhouette is 50% obscured from any part of the attacking unit leader's silhouette (as above, by terrain agreed by the players to grant it cover), then it will have cover.

    Hope this helps,

  9. On 1/19/2023 at 2:23 AM, szymciu said:

    Displacing enemy unit minis, but NOT the leader:

    • Will I be in melee with the unit? - I assume not necessarily because my opponent will decide cohesion.

    A displaced mini cannot be placed into base contact with an enemy mini. If the creature trooper displaced one or more enemy minis but did not end in base contact with any, it will not be engaged.

    On 1/19/2023 at 2:23 AM, szymciu said:
      • If I finish a movement touching the unit leader, will I be engaged? Or will the leader be displaced?

    If the creature trooper ends in base contact with the enemy unit leader, they will both become engaged. The enemy unit leader is not displaced unless its base is overlapped by the creature trooper.

    On 1/19/2023 at 2:23 AM, szymciu said:

    Can I withdraw my Creature Trooper:

    • Displacing the unit im in melee with?

    Yes. Creature troopers may displace units as they withdraw.

    On 1/19/2023 at 2:23 AM, szymciu said:
    • Displacing other units that are not engaged?

    Yes, creature troopers may displace other units when performing a withdraw move.

    Hope this helps,

  10. Hello,

    As stated on the command card Yes, My Master, it must be divulged. This will be at the timing specified on the card; Divulge: Deploy Units Step.

    5 hours ago, UnholyPlatypus said:

    Does this mean that the card remains in play for the entire turn 1, and there for counts as your turn one command?

    No, it does not have text like "this card must be selected round 1." It is divulged during the Deploy Units step, and remains in play when divulged. It does not return to the player's hand as is otherwise the default for command cards with the Divulge keyword.

    5 hours ago, UnholyPlatypus said:

    Or are you able to select another command card during turn one,

    Yes, you will select a command card to play during the first Command Phase as normal.

    Hope this helps, 

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