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IG-11 command card Mechanical carnage

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Hello. Havent found info in other topics so creating a new one.


1) The question is: this card is played, ig11 is situated in melee with enemy trooper unit. Can he still make ranged attack against all other enemies at r2 ignoring this enemy in melee or he can make 1 melee attack against it (as he has melee attack with 4 red dice) and if he finishes it he can continue to shoot in others?

2) Does this card allow to make 2 or more melee attacks in melee (if he is engaged with 2 or more enemy units)?


For me he can not make ranged attacks till there is any trooper unit in melee coz his weapons dont have versatile (for example, boba gets weapon from card with versatile and attacks every enemy at r1, and weapon has melee/r1 range, and dooku's card grants his ranged attack versatile).

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2 hours ago, MakTwist said:

Can he still make ranged attack against all other enemies at r2 ignoring this enemy in melee

No. If IG-11 is engaged, he may not make ranged attacks.

2 hours ago, MakTwist said:

he can make 1 melee attack against it (as he has melee attack with 4 red dice) and if he finishes it he can continue to shoot in others?

Yes, if a melee attack performed by IG-11 results in it no longer being engaged, he may declare and resolve ranged attacks.

2 hours ago, MakTwist said:

2) Does this card allow to make 2 or more melee attacks in melee (if he is engaged with 2 or more enemy units)?


Hope this helps,


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