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Cover X keyword, suppression and rounding up/down for terrain cover

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Given that Cover X is a unit keyword (and improves the unit's cover) how does the Cover X keyword interact with a unit's final cover determination when that unit has some models in cover and some models not in cover, since the cover determination from terrain is mini by mini?  This also would seem to apply to cover from suppression tokens, which appears to work in the same way.  For example, what happens in the following situation:

A unit of two speeder bikes has one mini obscured by a heavy cover terrain piece and one mini not obscured by any terrain.  Which of the following is correct:
1) Per the determine cover step, under apply dodge and cover, the unit has heavy cover (since one mini is in heavy and one mini has no cover).  Then, the Cover 1 from the unit's Cover 1 keyword is added in the same way Cover 1 would be added for suppression tokens to the unit at the end of the determine cover step (resulting in the unit still having heavy cover since you can't go above that)

2) The unit has one mini in heavy cover by being obscured from terrain and one mini in the open, but the Cover 1 gives the mini in the open light cover, so one mini is in heavy cover and one mini is in light cover.  Since you round down when light and heavy cover are tied, the unit has heavy cover.


Thank you for your time and consideration.

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The Cover X keyword improves a unit's numerical cover by the value of X during the Apply Dodge and Cover step. They will therefore have a value for cover established prior to Cover X being applied.

In your example, the unit has heavy cover (outcome #1 presented) - the unit has heavy cover due to the position of minis, and the Cover 1 keyword will have no further effect as it cannot improve cover further.

Hope this helps,

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