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Network Calculations

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Networked Calculations: While you defend or perform an attack, you may spend 1 calculate token from a friendly ship at range 0-1 to change 1 eye result to an evade or hit result.

Can I get it confirmed how this works, it says "a friendly ship" so would I be right in saying that, if a ship (with no tokens) had 2 ships within range each with a calculate, only 1 eye could be changed? or would each ship be able to change an eye for a total of 2.

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Only one token could be spent to change one focus result to an evade or hit due to the "once per opportunity" rule (page 2 of the RRG V1.4.4). If a second trigger were to occur (eg a second instance of an attack being performed or if ship defends) you would then be able to spend the other available token.

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