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So we hit a snag and perhaps some explaining first

1. Early game
first a unit of 1 Rebel Veterans units with an astromech droid makes Repair 2 on one of the speeder trucks as usual

2 Astromech dies ( sacrafice the noncombatant when assigning wounds )

3. speeder trucks restore one mini 
 but 1 veteran unit is down 3, but still have an astromech with repair 1 left 
other veteran unit is down only 1 mini , the astromech that spend both repair

so now 2 questions came up

A can Backworld medic restore the astromech  ?

B. if yes, will this restored astrocmech have another repair 2
( it have been discarded and should be freshly added )
if no, can i repair 1 with the other astromech to restore the dead one 

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the astromech should be a droid trooper like R2D2

and as a droid trooper arisin it would have sheild up or repair capacity ready ?

this way 2 atrsomech would be able to repair 1 each other and 1 for a repair to the A-A5 
but because the astromech have not any unit type you should be able to medic it as well ?

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6 hours ago, Psycadelius said:

2 Astromech dies ( sacrafice the noncombatant when assigning wounds )

3. speeder trucks restore one mini 
 but 1 veteran unit is down 3, but still have an astromech with repair 1 left 
other veteran unit is down only 1 mini , the astromech that spend both repair

Note here that the Non-Combatant keyword does not allow you to defeat the astromech mini prior to other minis in the unit except, obviously, the unit leader. In this example, the "sacrificed" astromech was defeated too early and the rules given by the Non-Combatant keyword were not followed.

6 hours ago, Psycadelius said:

A can Backworld medic restore the astromech  ?

Yes. The Backworld Medic upgrade card allows you to remove wound tokens from or restore a mini to a trooper unit. Although the R5 Astromech Droid is thematically a droid, it is in a trooper unit (not a droid trooper unit) and treated as such. You may use the Backworld Medic upgrade card to restore the R5 Astromech Droid, assuming other conditions are met (it was defeated that round, among other things).

6 hours ago, Psycadelius said:

B. if yes, will this restored astrocmech have another repair 2
( it have been discarded and should be freshly added )

No. Wound tokens assigned to a unit or upgrade card as a result of the Treat or Repair keywords are not removed when that unit or mini added by an upgrade card are defeated. The R5 Astromech Droid will be returned to play with all tokens on its card, used to track its Capacity, as it had when it was defeated.

6 hours ago, Psycadelius said:

if no, can i repair 1 with the other astromech to restore the dead one 

No. The Repair keyword may be used to remove tokens from or restore minis to vehicle or droid trooper units. A Rebel Veteran unit is neither of these things.

6 hours ago, Psycadelius said:

the astromech should be a droid trooper like R2D2

It is not. It is the same unit type as the unit card to which it is equipped. In your example, it is a trooper, as its Rebel Veterans unit.

Hope this helps,

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