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Question about this Card effect

case A :
3 veteran units get the order, they can give order to 3 emplacement troopers, that also get a standby token ( 6 orders given )
enemy runs about and One emplacement troop takes a standby attack action.
will he lose his standing order token and flip it or do he still have 2 actions when i decide to activate that emplacement troop or if they can join in a firesupport?
and can the emplacement troop attack again since the standby attack was outside his own activation ?

Case B
Emplacement troops do Not get orders here, do they still get the standby tokens anywhere on field ?
this perhapsh answer first quiestion but only if they get tokens with no orders

do i remove the order token if they have standby and take action in this case also ?

ty for all you answers 🙂


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8 minutes ago, Psycadelius said:

enemy runs about and One emplacement troop takes a standby attack action.
will he lose his standing order token and flip it or do he still have 2 actions when i decide to activate that emplacement troop or if they can join in a firesupport?

Using a standby token does not flip your order token facedown. The emplacement trooper will still have a faceup order token with which to activate later in the turn or, if applicable, use towards the Fire Support keyword.

9 minutes ago, Psycadelius said:

and can the emplacement troop attack again since the standby attack was outside his own activation ?

Yes, the standby token being spent to attack (or, for that matter, move) should have no bearing on the actions available to that emplacement trooper during its activation.

10 minutes ago, Psycadelius said:

Emplacement troops do Not get orders here, do they still get the standby tokens anywhere on field ?

Yes. The Hold at Any Cost command card does not specify units must be issued an order to receive the benefits of the card.

Hope this helps,

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