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The rulebook's 'Making An Attack' steps (page 32-33) don't strictly indicate or reference checking how much Expertise (on attack or defense) you've rolled until step 10 references to check any remaining effects from the attacker and then defender's Expertise Chart. It also doesn't reference Directed or Personal effects. I know the steps are left more vague for use for any abilities later on, etc but I find it difficult when starting to play that it isn't strictly told, but just says "Resolve all effects that do X."

Am I correct in that the steps are specifically:

Step 6. Attacker checks dice for Expertise and applies any dice-changing icons to his own dice. Then defence does the same (yellow icons). Then do the same to the defender's dice (attacker then defender as always).

8. If the attacker has any hits left, choose # of successes on the Combat Tree, start at a yellow box, applying immediately any damage to the damage pool, and any Directed Effects immediately (shove and conditions) to the Defender. Save Personal Effects for later (jump/reposition/heal/active ability)

10. A. Attacker resolves any remaining effects (namely Personal Effects) from their Expertise Chart.

 B. Defender does the same.

C. Attacker resolves abilities and special rules (reactives, etc)

D. Defender does the same (namely Ahsoka's ability that gives half the damage back to the Attacker)


My main confusion is to not reference Expertise rolled as plainly as strikes and criticals are vs blocks as well as using specific terms such as Directed and Personal effects. Thanks in advance!

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On 6/5/2023 at 7:10 AM, Hendrycks said:

Step 6. Attacker checks dice for Expertise and applies any dice-changing icons to his own dice. Then defence does the same (yellow icons). Then do the same to the defender's dice (attacker then defender as always).

This is correct. 

On 6/5/2023 at 7:10 AM, Hendrycks said:

8. If the attacker has any hits left, choose # of successes on the Combat Tree, start at a yellow box, applying immediately any damage to the damage pool, and any Directed Effects immediately (shove and conditions) to the Defender. Save Personal Effects for later (jump/reposition/heal/active ability)

Personal Effects from the Combat Tree are applied as the option containing them is chosen. The exception to this is the Active Ability option. Those will not resolve until step 10C. You are otherwise correct.

On 6/5/2023 at 7:10 AM, Hendrycks said:

10. A. Attacker resolves any remaining effects (namely Personal Effects) from their Expertise Chart.

 B. Defender does the same.

Yes. This is correct. 

On 6/5/2023 at 7:10 AM, Hendrycks said:

C. Attacker resolves abilities and special rules (reactives, etc)

Yes. Note that Active Abilities from the Combat Tree resolve here as well. 

On 6/5/2023 at 7:10 AM, Hendrycks said:

D. Defender does the same (namely Ahsoka's ability that gives half the damage back to the Attacker)

Yes, but this example is incorrect. Ahsoka Tano, Jedi No More’s What’s the Matter, Too Fast For You? triggers and resolves at step 9, before she suffers the Damage from the Damage Pool. 

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