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Using the "Loadout" Unit keyword, players are instructed they can set-aside one card, meeting a set of criteria (i.e. have equal or lower point cost and the same type), for each upgrade card they have equipped. 

Let us assume a player equipped "Offensive Push" (6pts training) for which they chose to set aside "Duck and Cover" (2pts training) and "Hunter" (6pts training) for which they chose to set aside "Situational Awareness" (4pts training). 

Later on, when the Unit deploys, the player may decide to exchange each of their equipped upgrade cards with "the matching set-aside Upgrade Cards one for one". Which Upgrade Cards are the matching ones at this stage? Is it:

A) To each upgrade card there's only *one* matching set-aside card, the one chosen during listbuilding.

B) To each upgrade card there might be *more* than one matching set-aside card, if more than one set aside card match the initial set of criteria? 

In our example, if the players decides to substitute "Hunter" for a set-aside card, is their choice only "Situational Awareness" or either "Situational Awareness" or "Duck and Cover "? 


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5 hours ago, ryfterek said:

A) To each upgrade card there's only *one* matching set-aside card, the one chosen during listbuilding.

This is the correct interpretation. When a unit with the Loadout keyword deploys, it may swap any of its upgrade cards out with their matching set-aside options, one for one. 

In your example, Offensive Push may only be exchanged with Duck and Cover, and Hunter may only be exchanged with Situational Awareness.

Hope this helps,

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