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Two questions here:

1. Can Chewbacca Guardian ewok units who are within range 1 of C3p0 and being affected by the “Divine Influence” text?

2. If an Ewok unit that is within 1 of C3p0 is using guardian via Esteemed Leader to guardian a commander who is not 3p0, can the Ewoks still guardian crits as if they were hits per the Divine Influence text?

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On 8/1/2023 at 2:48 PM, CahoonM said:

1. Can Chewbacca Guardian ewok units who are within range 1 of C3p0 and being affected by the “Divine Influence” text?

No. Ewok units within range 1 of C-3PO gain Guardian 2 as specified by the Divine Influence keyword. A unit with Guardian may not be targeted by Guardian.

On 8/1/2023 at 2:48 PM, CahoonM said:

2. If an Ewok unit that is within 1 of C3p0 is using guardian via Esteemed Leader to guardian a commander who is not 3p0, can the Ewoks still guardian crits as if they were hits per the Divine Influence text?

Yes. "While using Guardian, they (Ewok units within range 1 of C-3PO) may cancel [Critical] results as if they were [Hit] results." This is not specific to C-3PO and will affect other instances of Guardian used by these Ewok units, such as that granted by Esteemed Leader.

Hope this helps,

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