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Everything posted by CahoonM

  1. Two questions here: 1. Can Chewbacca Guardian ewok units who are within range 1 of C3p0 and being affected by the “Divine Influence” text? 2. If an Ewok unit that is within 1 of C3p0 is using guardian via Esteemed Leader to guardian a commander who is not 3p0, can the Ewoks still guardian crits as if they were hits per the Divine Influence text?
  2. Hi, This is a Multi-Part Question: Let's Assume Obi-Wan, Out of hiding, and an Allied Count Dooku are both engaged with an Enemy Anakin. First Scenario: 1) During his activation Anakin makes a Combat action targeting Obi-Wan who in return uses Mind Trick: A) Does this end the Combat Action itself? 1) If so, does that mean the attack granted by Mind Trick is outside of Anakin's Combat Action? 2) If so, does the Mind Trick attack happen before or after Anakin would use I'm Going to End This? 2) Anakin then attacks Dooku with 2 fewer dice. After this attack Anakin chooses to use I'm Going to End This (IGTET). Does IGTET Target: A) Obi-Wan since he was the original target of the combat action? B) Dooku who was the target of the attack granted by Mind Trick? C) Both of them since they were both "Targeted" at one point during this combat action? D) Neither of them are valid I'm Going to End This Targets since Mind Trick Stops the combat action. E) Other (Please Explain) Second Scenario: 1) Anakin attacks Obi-Wan, after the initial Combat Action and attack are resolved Anakin then chooses to use I'm going to End this. In Response Obi-Wan uses Mind Trick to stop the IGTET Ability. A) Would Anakin then gain the attack granted by Mind Trick? B) Would he be allowed to target Dooku with the IGTET attack even though he was not the original target of the Combat Action? C) Would it Negate all further attacks since Obi Cannot be attacked and Dooku was not the original Target? D) Other (Please Explain) I am happy to try and rephrase this question or try to assist if the wording is confusing at all Thanks in advance!
  3. If a Mandalorian has a Pin condition, and does a move action to strip the pin. Assuming they were previously within 2 of another Mandalorian, do they get the free focus from Mandalorians are Stronger Together?
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