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Divine Influence says that Ewok troopers gain the Guardian C3PO ability "[w]hile they are within range 1 of a friendly C-3PO." 

Based on the definition of "within", am I correct that every mini in the unit (potentially up to 8 for skirmishers/slingers) needs to be no more than range 1 away from C3PO for them to gain Guardian?  Or is supposed to work like the Esteemed Leader upgrade?

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35 minutes ago, RulesLawyerLV said:

Based on the definition of "within", am I correct that every mini in the unit (potentially up to 8 for skirmishers/slingers) needs to be no more than range 1 away from C3PO for them to gain Guardian?

Yes, the friendly unit must be within range 1 to be affected by the Divine Influence keyword.

Hope this helps,

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