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Mercenary Commander Using Faction Specific Command Cards

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Can a Mercenary commander that is included in a non-battle force army be nominated as the commander for faction-specific command cards?  For example, if I am running a Rebel army that includes the Ewok-affiliated commander Wicket, can I nominate Wicket to be my issuing commander for the Rebel only command card, Sabotaged Communications?

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Faction-specific command cards such as Sabotaged Communications do not specify that the player must nominate a particular commander. "Rebel only" (or another faction) on these cards refers to the instructions laid out in the Building a Command Hand section of the Star Wars: Legion Core Rulebook; specifically:


Occasionally, a Command Card requires a player to be fielding an army from a certain faction or Battle Force to be included in the command hand. These restrictions are printed on the Command Card.

And so:

17 hours ago, RulesLawyerLV said:

Can a Mercenary commander that is included in a non-battle force army be nominated as the commander for faction-specific command cards? 

Yes. Wicket may be the nominated commander if a Rebel command card such as Sabotaged Communications is played.

Hope this helps,

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