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Rules of ground and repulsor vehicles moving over terrain

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Hello, can you give me a hand with a little issue, please?
I hadn't found a direct forbid in climing description in core rules for ground or repulsor vehicle to climb on terrain piece (above height of their siluete). So, is it possible to execute a climb action at height 1 building with regular ground vehicle, or repulsor vehicle without rules that allows to ignore terrain of specified height (like Scaber Tank or A-A5 truck)?

Edited by Kemerlin
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On 12/1/2023 at 11:06 AM, Kemerlin said:

I hadn't found a direct forbid in climing description in core rules for ground or repulsor vehicle to climb on terrain piece (above height of their siluete).

As stated under Climbing, miniatures on notched bases may not climb. This would include Ground Vehicles and Repulsor Vehicles.

On 12/1/2023 at 11:06 AM, Kemerlin said:

 is it possible to execute a climb action at height 1 building with regular ground vehicle, or repulsor vehicle without rules that allows to ignore terrain of specified height (like Scaber Tank or A-A5 truck)?

No, as these are vehicles and may not perform climb moves. They may move over obstacle terrain shorter than their silhouette unimpeded just as small-based miniatures do, but if faced with taller terrain they do not have the option of performing a climb move. Exceptions to this would be vehicles such as the AT-RT or DSD-1 Dwarf Spider Droid, which have the Climbing Vehicle keyword to allow them to perform climb moves as if they were trooper miniatures.

Hope this helps,

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