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Suppose Rex has played "Call Me Captain." If a friendly unit splits fire, does the fact that Rex does not flip his token during a fire support allow him to add his weapon to both attack pools? My assumption is not, due to the following paragraph in the CRB:

"Only one unit can use the Fire Support keyword while another unit is forming an attack pool. A unit can only use the Fire Support keyword to add weapons to one attack pool."

-Minor Tom

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Hi there,

As quoted, when a unit is forming more than one attack pool, a unit can only use the Fire Support keyword to add weapons to one attack pool.

Clone Captain Rex's Call Me Captain command card allows him to keep his order token face-up when using Fire Support, and so he may use it multiple times in a round. Call Me Captain does not allow Clone Captain Rex to add weapons to more than one attack pool as they are being formed.

Hope this helps,

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