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Hi, I’m struggling with the concept of divulging. I see in the rules, when you divulge, the card is supposed to return to your hand. But I thought when you divulge, that gets discarded, and you actually have to pick a new command card that turn. And I’m not counting ventress’s, where it just stays in play. Can someone explain how divulge works please and the caveats

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Unless otherwise specified by the card itself, a card with the Divulge keyword "can be revealed at the start of the phase or step indicated...". "A card that is revealed in this way is not played and is returned to that player's command hand at the end of the step in which it was divulged." The text on command cards can override this process.

1 hour ago, jr53et said:

But I thought when you divulge, that gets discarded

You are not required to discard a divulged command card unless the card specifically tells you to. An example of a card with text that does instruct you to discard the card would be Maul's The Phantom Menace.

1 hour ago, jr53et said:

and you actually have to pick a new command card that turn.

Existing Divulge cards are revealed during the Deploy Units Step, and so aren't divulged when players would be selecting command cards. Some of them in fact specify what command card will be played during round 1; Cad Bane's I Make the Rules Now and Padme Amidala's Diplomatic Cover are examples of command cards that "must be selected during round 1."

Hope this helps,

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