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I had a game where Leia and Wicket had their teamwork card up. Leia was attacked and she spent a dodge, then because she spent a dodge she gains one (which means Wicket gains one), but she is then defeated after i roll my saves. 

The question is what is the exact timing of Nimble and being defeated? As Nimble says "After a unit defends" is this after they roll dice? after the suffer wounds step? this is important to know as it means that Wicket would not gain that teamworked nimble dodge if the dodge is gained after the wounds, but he would gain it if the dodge is gained before the wounds. 

Hope that scenario makes sense! thanks.

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Hi there,

2 hours ago, PolarKnight said:

The question is what is the exact timing of Nimble and being defeated? As Nimble says "After a unit defends"

The unit will gain a dodge token after the attack is resolved.

In your example, as Leia is defeated during the attack, she will not gain a dodge token with the Nimble keyword, and so Wicket will not generate a dodge token with the Teamwork keyword.

Hope this helps,

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