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With the A-300 Blaster configuration added on to the Pathfinder unit, does this simply replace the ranged weapon on their unit card, or is this "configuration" it's own weapon in itself? Yes, I do realize they are the exact same weapon, but for instance, could I have three mini's use their ranged blaster on the unit card with two white dice in attacking one unit and then have one mini using the long-ranged configuration to attack another unit farther out with one white dice?

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The A-300 Short Range Config card (and its Long-Range flip-side) are Armament Upgrade Cards. When forming attack pools, each miniature in the Rebel Pathfinders unit may opt to use the weapon printed on their Unit Card or that of any Upgrade Cards available to it. 


On 1/10/2024 at 1:11 PM, MooseSplatter said:

does this simply replace the ranged weapon on their unit card, or is this "configuration" it's own weapon in itself?

No, the "Config" Armament upgrade card does not replace the A-300 Blaster Rifle weapon on their unit card.

On 1/10/2024 at 1:11 PM, MooseSplatter said:

for instance, could I have three mini's use their ranged blaster on the unit card with two white dice in attacking one unit and then have one mini using the long-ranged configuration to attack another unit farther out with one white dice?


Hope this helps,

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