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Death from above ground level and on a height 1 building

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My genosians are on a building that is within the hight 1 band and want to shoot at an enemy that is behind a barricade on “ground level” on the gaming mat. 

are they within the same hight band (0 for the defending unit and 1 for the geonosians) and therefor the defender loses cover from the barricade? or on the same hight band?

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  • Seth changed the title to Death from above ground level and on a height 1 building


The Death From Above keyword allows the affected unit to ignore cover while its unit leader is overlapping a piece of non-area terrain of greater height than any terrain the defending unit leader may be overlapping.

If the defending unit leader is not overlapping any terrain and the Geonosian Warriors are overlapping height 1 (or greater) non-area terrain, they will indeed ignore cover when performing that attack.


1 hour ago, Sipherion said:

My genosians are on a building that is within the hight 1 band and want to shoot at an enemy that is behind a barricade on “ground level” on the gaming mat. 

The Geonosian Warriors will ignore cover when performing this attack, as they are overlapping non-area terrain of greater height than any the defending unit leader is overlapping (in this case - none!).

Hope this helps,

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