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Would a unit with Death From Above (DFA) ignore the cover on a repulsor vehicle that has native Cover X on its unit card (e.g. Raddaugh Gnasp Fluttercraft) if the DFA unit was on a piece of obstacle terrain height 1+ and the repulsor vehicle was on the table (I.e. lower height than the attacking DFA unit)? 

As worded, it sounds like this would indeed be the case, but just asking for clarification since the cover is provided by the unit card’s Cover X and not a piece of terrain.

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Hello there,

The Death from Above keyword allows the Geonosian Warriors unit to ignore cover - from any source - assuming all conditions for the keyword are met. If the Geonosian Warriors' unit leader is on non-area terrain of greater height than any terrain the defending unit may be overlapping, the defending unit cannot use cover to cancel hit results. This will include cover granted by keywords and game effects other than terrain, such that granted by the Cover X keyword.


On 1/19/2024 at 8:52 AM, Th3DarKn1ght said:

Would a unit with Death From Above (DFA) ignore the cover on a repulsor vehicle that has native Cover X on its unit card (e.g. Raddaugh Gnasp Fluttercraft) if the DFA unit was on a piece of obstacle terrain height 1+ and the repulsor vehicle was on the table (I.e. lower height than the attacking DFA unit)? 


Hope this helps,

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