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In the forum post linked here: 

it's stated that if the movement tool overlaps an enemy unit then you may perform an overrun attack against that unit, even if you only perform a partial move that doesn't actually cause you to overlap them. In the case of larger based miniatures such as Swoop bikes, does the phrasing "if the movement tool overlaps an enemy unit" include the width of the bases as they move along the tool in this? That is to say that the below scenario can allow for a valid overrun attack if the swoop moves forward say 1cm, despite the template itself not overlapping?


Thank you!


Edited by zeddy135
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2 hours ago, zeddy135 said:

In the case of larger based miniatures such as Swoop bikes, does the phrasing "if the movement tool overlaps an enemy unit" include the width of the bases as they move along the tool in this?

No. Either the movement tool must overlap an enemy miniature or the base of the unit itself as it moves along the tool. Refer to Moving with Notched Bases for more detail.

3 hours ago, zeddy135 said:

That is to say that the below scenario can allow for a valid overrun attack if the swoop moves forward say 1cm, despite the template itself not overlapping?

No. If the Swoop Biker moved far enough to overlap Maul during the move, it would be eligible to perform an overrun attack. However, if it moves "1 cm" it has not at any point overlapped Maul during the move, and may not perform an overrun attack.

Hope this helps,

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