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When Grievous has played his one pip and is making his attacks using the weapon on the card, can he target units that are engaged within range 1 with that weapon as the card states "perform an attack against each enemy unit at range 1."

Or, does the inability to shoot at an engaged target take precedence.

Thanks for your help!

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Hi there,

The weapon given on the Trained in Your Jedi Arts command card may be used to perform a melee or ranged attacks (given by its range icons). As it has the Versatile keyword, General Grievous may perform a ranged attack even while engaged. However, General Grievous may still not target an engaged enemy trooper unit with a ranged attack.


19 hours ago, Angreifen Maus said:

an he target units that are engaged within range 1 with that weapon as the card states "perform an attack against each enemy unit at range 1."

He may not perform a ranged attack targeting an engaged enemy unit.

19 hours ago, Angreifen Maus said:

does the inability to shoot at an engaged target take precedence.

It does!

Hope this helps,

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