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Cover and "part under" a gantry - ?Intentional

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Good Morning,

There is an article running around with cover explanation but one of the examples seems odd and wondered if you could clarify.

1) Can a minature be placed so it is partly sticking out from under a gantry - everyone seems to play like this - But it leaves the models base not "completely overlapping" the gantry terrain piece and leads to an odd situation below. If we cannot it also has odd interactions with being pushed under an open gantry resulting in "backstopping".

Assuming we can place like this :-

2) For cover - Drawing a straight line to "any part" of the opposing base - I always assumed to be like the diagram below.
from any edge of the base to any edge of the opposing base and stop once contact is made:-


The example online of a miniature Part under a gantry works of the proviso that you can also draw from your base to the opposite far edge of the base as below :-

This is important for cases such as miniatures sticking partly out from underneath a gantry. As it allows them to claim cover, (Assuming they have hunker, greater than range 2 and are being attacked at range) If even their back base mm is still under the gantry no matter the attack angle.


Model A is attacking Model B
Does this model gain cover? as all direct lines to hit the base will hit miniature before terrain piece - Or can you draw a line to the back of the base to claim the cover from the gantry.

(I had always assumed the phrase "Any portion of the attacking characters base to any portion of the defending characters base" to be more about not saying it has to be the front or back of the miniature as there is no facing rather than being able to go through the base to the other side.

Thanks in advance.


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  • 2 months later...
On 3/7/2024 at 6:15 AM, DubiousOne said:


Model A is attacking Model B
Does this model gain cover?

Assuming Model B has Hunker, yes. All requirements for benefiting from Cover have been met. 

On 3/7/2024 at 6:15 AM, DubiousOne said:

For cover - Drawing a straight line to "any part" of the opposing base - I always assumed to be like the diagram below.
from any edge of the base to any edge of the opposing base and stop once contact is made:-

This assumption is incorrect. 


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