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Engine Techs and Fighter Coordination Team Combo

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Question, Engine Tech and Fighter Coordination Team combo. Only 1 ship can even take both, Rebel Providence.

Fighter Coordination Team: "After you execute a maneuver, you may select a number of unengaged friendly squadrons up to your squadron value at close-medium range. Those squadrons may move up to distance 1."

Engine Techs: " Nav Command: After you execute a maneuver in which you did not overlap a ship, you may exhaust this card to execute a speed-1 maneuver.

Can I use Fighter Coordination Team twice? As I would be getting a second execute a maneuver with Engine Techs as it states "execute a speed-1 maneuver".

Providence executes a maneuver while using a Nav Command and completes their maneuver. Using Fighter Coordination Team to push friendly squadrons distance 1, then using Engine Techs to execute a speed-1 maneuver, and then using Fighter Coordination Team again to push friendly squadrons distance 1.

I would believe this would be allowed, based on what is written on the cards and rules.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Your intuition is correct.

If a ship has Engine Techs and Fighter Coordination Team equipped it may trigger the effect of of Fighter Coordination Team after executing a maneuver granted by Engine Techs as it is still a maneuver.

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