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If a unit with Death from Above was being transported in a vehicle with the Transport X: Open keyword and the vehicle was legally overlapping a piece of non-area terrain that was height 1 (a hill or rock, for example) and the defending unit was on the battlefield floor not overlapping any non-area terrain, would Death from above take effect? Or does the lack of a unit leader on the playing field negate the conditions needed for it to resolve?

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Hi there,

While a unit is transported by a vehicle with the Transport X: Open keyword, the transport is used for determining range and LOS to and from the transported for attacks as well as other game effects (refer to the Transported entry for more detail). However, the Death From Above keyword does not involve checking range nor LOS. A transport overlapping terrain is not sufficient to apply Death From Above; the Geonosian Warrior unit leader itself must be overlapping terrain.


On 3/13/2024 at 11:35 AM, VonTrappFamilySinger said:

If a unit with Death from Above was being transported in a vehicle with the Transport X: Open keyword and the vehicle was legally overlapping a piece of non-area terrain that was height 1 (a hill or rock, for example) and the defending unit was on the battlefield floor not overlapping any non-area terrain, would Death from above take effect?

The Geonosian Warrior unit leader is not considered to be overlapping any terrain in this scenario, and so will not be able to use Death from Above while performing an attack.

Hope this helps,

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