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Question regarding the second part of the Command Card "You Would Question Me?" and who may perform the immobilize effect.

The card reads "When either unit gains a dodge or aim token, the other unit may gain an immobilize token. If they do, the other unit gains an additional token of the same type". Since the condition is met when EITHER gains a token does that mean BOTH of them may perform the immobilize clause at the same time? Are two opportunities generated? Grammatically, "there are houses on EITHER side of my street" means houses are on BOTH sides of the street. 

Because each unit gains a token when the other does, it seems that the condition is met twice, and therefore the immobilize effect is able to be triggered twice? Effectively, per trigger they could both have 2 tokens and an immobilize. Or one unit does it twice (once per token), giving first unit 3 tokens, and itself 1 token and 2 immobilize? I understand it's not an infinite loop, and can only gain one token per immobilize occurrence. This is all off of the original token generation.

Or should the card explicitly read "When either unit gains a dodge or aim token, the other unit BUT NOT BOTH units may gain an immobilize token. If they do, the other unit gains an additional token of the same type"

Thank you for clarifying 

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  • Seth changed the title to Can "You Question Me" immobilize be used by both units or twice since 2 tokens are generated?

Hello there,

59 minutes ago, yossarian said:

Since the condition is met when EITHER gains a token does that mean BOTH of them may perform the immobilize clause at the same time?

Yes, both Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister may suffer an immobilize token to grant an additional token to the other. In most circumstances, this means that the Inquisitors will end the sequence with two aims on one and two dodges on the other, as well as one immobilize token on each.

Hope this helps,

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