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Death trooper stealth armour

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The text on the card says to increase cover by one. So if I have my unit in the open my cover would be light and grant me a surge on defence. So In light cover, I would have heavy then 2 surges on defence. So maxing out at 2 just like a normal units cover of 2.

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Hi there,

The Stealth Armor keyword increases the cover of a Death Trooper by 1. It is not reliant on the Death Trooper having cover from terrain or other sources!


On 3/23/2024 at 11:52 AM, Wkcd said:

So if I have my unit in the open my cover would be light and grant me a surge on defence. So In light cover, I would have heavy then 2 surges on defence. So maxing out at 2 just like a normal units cover of 2.

You are correct.

Hope this helps,

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