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Everything posted by Wkcd

  1. With the new rules for ram. Say I miss on all attack dice for a melee and after the dodge and cover step. My crits appear. Would my opponent have to spend their dodge token before my crits appear?
  2. For Hans 2 pip it states I need to have a unit with a face up order to attack that unit. I understand if I have a unit with a range 3 and 4 wepons. And I’m at range three of Han I would have to shoot all me wepons at him but if he’s at range four and another unit is at range 3 I can split fire. So fire support says eligible wepons for an attack can be added to the attack dice pool. Say I had a clone unit at range 3 of a unit I’m shooting but Han is at range 4 and my rps can shoot at Han. Would I be able to still contribute all wepons in that unit so 4 normal guys and a rps upgrade? Or since Han is an eligle unit I can’t add the dice from the rps. since the card text says I wound be have to attack him with that wepon instead of of the unit I’m shooting. In conclusion is Eligible dice still counted towards an attack pool even if the dice outside of the fire support would have to go into Han?
  3. The text on the card says to increase cover by one. So if I have my unit in the open my cover would be light and grant me a surge on defence. So In light cover, I would have heavy then 2 surges on defence. So maxing out at 2 just like a normal units cover of 2.
  4. On the disabled vehicle mission, where is the chart located to pick a legal mini to use as the vehicle for each faction?
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