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Have I Ever Let You Down states "While a unit that was issued an order by this card..."

If a unit, such as an ARC Trooper Strike Team, were issued the order from the card and they sent the token over to an ATRT with an equipped Comms Relay upgrade, would the text effect of the card apply to the strike team or ATRT? That is, would Cody be able to perform the free attack from a wound on the strike team, or the ATRT? Thanks!

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Hi there,

On 4/29/2024 at 6:36 PM, IxiePixie said:

If a unit, such as an ARC Trooper Strike Team, were issued the order from the card and they sent the token over to an ATRT with an equipped Comms Relay upgrade, would the text effect of the card apply to the strike team or ATRT?

Neither. The ARC Troopers Strike Team is not considered to have been issued an order, as an order was issued using the Comms Relay upgrade card to another unit instead. The AT-RT will be issued an order, but it was not issued using the Have I Ever Let You Down? command card, so it will not benefit from the effects of the command card.

On 4/29/2024 at 6:36 PM, IxiePixie said:

That is, would Cody be able to perform the free attack from a wound on the strike team, or the ATRT? Thanks!

Neither unit in this scenario will be eligible for the effects of the Have I Ever Let You Down? command card, as neither of them were issued an order by Clone Commander Cody using the command card.

Hope this helps,

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