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Hey Team!

Another player in my group raised the question about Super Tacs having seen the recent clarification on the clones.

Given the recent clarification around Delta Squad being Unique without limiting the number of Clone Commados does the same apply to Super Tactical Droids, could you Opt to bring Kalani and Kracken or Kalani and the Super Tactical Droid as they appear to be the same on the cards. 

Thank you in advance.

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Hi there,

As described in the Unique and Limited entry, "...the number of bullets indicates the maximum number of unique and limited cards a player can field that share the same name." Units that do not have bullets in front of their name are not unique and limited, and so will not contribute to this maximum number of unique and limited units that can be fielded sharing the same name.

A subtitle is not part of a unit’s name. A player may not run both “Super Tactical Droid, Kalani” and “Super Tactical Droid, Kraken” as this would be two instances of the same unit name (Super Tactical Droid) which has a single bullet preceding it indicating it is unique. It is for this same reason that a player may not include, for instance, both “Darth Vader, The Emperor’s Apprentice” and “Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith” in a single army!


3 hours ago, Theylon said:

could you Opt to bring Kalani and Kracken or Kalani and the Super Tactical Droid as they appear to be the same on the cards. 

You may not include both.

Hope this helps,

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