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Hello! A couple of questions:

1. Does counterpart count as a model of the unit? For example Iden+droid, Din Djarin+frog - count as units of 2 models where Iden and Din are leaders?

2. How does Iden and her seeker droid with the "small" keyword work against a spray weapon? Does droid count toward the amount of dice that would be rolled? For example, does an AT-RT with flamethrower roll 4 black dice against her, or just 2 because of the "small" rule?

3. How does "Treat" work for the counterpart models? Seeker droid and Grogu in the case they were removed? For example - Iden with 5 wound tokens and removed seeker droid (this round) becoming the target of "treat" - can I restore that seeker droid? The same situation but seeker droid was removed on the previous round - can he still be restored?

4. In the previous example when a seeker droid was restored, does his shield token restore as an active one?

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Hello there,

38 minutes ago, SergeyStark said:

1. Does counterpart count as a model of the unit? For example Iden+droid, Din Djarin+frog - count as units of 2 models where Iden and Din are leaders?

Yes, the counterpart miniature is added to another unit to create a combined unit.

38 minutes ago, SergeyStark said:

2. How does Iden and her seeker droid with the "small" keyword work against a spray weapon? Does droid count toward the amount of dice that would be rolled? For example, does an AT-RT with flamethrower roll 4 black dice against her, or just 2 because of the "small" rule?

The Small keyword has no effect on Spray. The AT-RT may roll 4 attack dice assuming both Iden & ID-10 are in LOS.

40 minutes ago, SergeyStark said:

3. How does "Treat" work for the counterpart models? Seeker droid and Grogu in the case they were removed? For example - Iden with 5 wound tokens and removed seeker droid (this round) becoming the target of "treat" - can I restore that seeker droid?

Yes, counterpart miniatures may be restored as normal.

40 minutes ago, SergeyStark said:

The same situation but seeker droid was removed on the previous round - can he still be restored?

No, as miniatures may only be restored the same round they were defeated.

40 minutes ago, SergeyStark said:

4. In the previous example when a seeker droid was restored, does his shield token restore as an active one?

ID-10 will return to play with an active shield token.

Hope this helps,

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