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Can the Guidance be used to make a unit perform its Quick Thinking action? If Yoda uses Guidance on Padme, can you choose to make Padme perform her Quick Thinking action, potentially having her perform said action twice in one round? 

Additionally, can Yoda use Guidance twice during the round that Size Matters Not is played to make a unit perform the Quick Thinking action twice?

Guidance can't be used to make a unit perform a free card action, but are the rules different for non-free card actions?


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Hi there,

19 hours ago, CT-5597 said:

Can the Guidance be used to make a unit perform its Quick Thinking action?

Yes, the Guidance keyword may have the unit use a card action. Only free card actions are restricted to being performed during the unit's own Perform Actions step.

19 hours ago, CT-5597 said:

If Yoda uses Guidance on Padme, can you choose to make Padme perform her Quick Thinking action, potentially having her perform said action twice in one round? 

Note that units are only restricted from performing a given action, other than move actions, twice in a turn (roughly synonymous with per activation); not once per round. Yes, a unit could use Quick Thinking twice in a game round, if it is enabled to by game effects outside their activation such as Guidance.

19 hours ago, CT-5597 said:

Additionally, can Yoda use Guidance twice during the round that Size Matters Not is played to make a unit perform the Quick Thinking action twice?

Yoda may perform his actions and free actions twice while Size Matters Not is in play, so yes he may use Guidance twice. However, other units still may only perform a given action (other than move actions) once per turn. Padme may not use Quick Thinking twice in a given activation.

19 hours ago, CT-5597 said:

Guidance can't be used to make a unit perform a free card action, but are the rules different for non-free card actions?

They are; answered above.

Hope this helps,

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