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Adding a Black Sun Vigo to a unit of Black Suns

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So you were able to add a Black Sun Vigo to a troop filling in the additional troop option. The card also says add one Black Sun Vigo model to the troop.. does this mean that model fights with the Black Sun Vigo commander card effects?


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Hi there,

6 hours ago, Kolonel Kraig said:

does this mean that model fights with the Black Sun Vigo commander card effects?

A miniature added with an Upgrade Card (typically Heavy or Personnel) adopts all of the keywords, weapons, defense dice, and so on of the original unit, except where specified on the Upgrade Card.

A miniature added to your Black Sun Enforcers unit with the Black Sun Vigo Upgrade Card does not use the Black Sun Vigo Unit Card in any way. They simply share a miniature!

Hope this helps,

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