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I have a couple of questions for the clone commandos. First with the "equip katarn pattern armor" does that mean it takes up and equip slot or is it a free equip slot

Second  in the keyword independent is it only recover gets the Benefit Of independent or everything after independent get the benefits so recover recharge target shielding

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Hi there,

6 hours ago, ben the god3 said:

First with the "equip katarn pattern armor" does that mean it takes up and equip slot or is it a free equip slot

Upgrades forced by the Equip keyword are not "free." The Katarn Pattern Armor upgrade card will use their Gear upgrade slot and they may not equip an additional Gear upgrade card.

6 hours ago, ben the god3 said:

Second  in the keyword independent is it only recover gets the Benefit Of independent or everything after independent get the benefits so recover recharge target shielding

Clone Commandos - Delta Squad have only Independent: Recover.

Hope this helps,

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