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Hi there,

Would it be possible to have clarification on the Raiding Party Leaders interaction as a field commander please.


Part of the wording of Field Commander States ‘Friendly units within command range of you may treat their courage as 2 when checking for panic’.


The Pykes self preservation keyword states ‘When checking for panic, this unit cannot use the courage value of of units not of the same affiliation’.


As the Pykes would not be using the courage value of the Bus as it has no courage, and instead their courage is being ‘treated as 2’ does this mean the Pykes (and BSE) are would have courage 2?


Thanks in advance! 


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Hi there,

As given in the Field Commander keyword entry, "if a friendly unit is at <Range 3> of [a Field Commander with a commander token] and both units share the same faction or affiliation, that unit may treat their courage value as 2 when checking for panic.

As such, a Field Commander will not modify the courage value of Mercenary units which do not share its faction or affiliation.


On 7/3/2024 at 4:05 AM, mr_trew said:

As the Pykes would not be using the courage value of the Bus as it has no courage, and instead their courage is being ‘treated as 2’ does this mean the Pykes (and BSE) are would have courage 2?

No, a unit must share faction or affiliation with a Field Commander to benefit in this way, as given above and in the keyword entry.

Hope this helps,

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