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Hello there,

Another weird interaction. If a Droideka in wheel mode with active shield tokens is hit by an attack with Ion X in the pool, what happens? Wheel mode says they can’t flip active shield tokens, does this also apply to ones that would be flipped by Ion X? 

Thanks in advance.

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Hi there,

A unit under the effects of the Wheel Mode keyword cannot flip active shield tokens. As stated under the Ion X weapon keyword entry: "(...) the defending unit must flip active shield tokens, if able, for each <Hit> or <Critical> result in the attack roll, up to X."


On 7/10/2024 at 3:21 PM, Mykaeus said:

Wheel mode says they can’t flip active shield tokens, does this also apply to ones that would be flipped by Ion X? 

Yes, it does. The Wheel Mode unit cannot flip any shield tokens that round, voluntarily or otherwise.

Hope this helps,

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