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Welcome to the Updated Star Wars: Legion Rules Forum!!! (READ ME FIRST)

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Welcome to the new and improved Star Wars: Legion official rules forum!

You may use this forum to submit questions about the rules of Star Wars: Legion. A member of our team will answer your question, and your post and become visible to the public. 

Please follow the below guidelines when submitting a question:

  • Please limit each submission to ONE question. If you have multiple questions, please submit multiple posts.
  • Please use the search function before submitting a question- your question may have already been answered!
  • Please be as clear and precise as possible, using the full names of any rules in question (no nicknames or slang)
  • Please do not submit questions pertaining to unreleased products.
  • Please do not include links or references to outside media in your submissions or in your forum profiles. Any posts containing external links or references to non-Star Wars media or non-Atomic Mass Games content will be removed.
  • Please keep all submissions on topic. Submissions that are not rules questions will be removed and you will receive a warning. Further warnings may result in being banned from these forums.

The answers given by members of our team are considered official rulings in every capacity. Each answer only applies to the question in which it was asked. Sometimes, an answer on this forum will supersede the printed rules found in the Core Rule Book or on physical components. Such rulings will remain in effect until the errors in question have been corrected. 

Following the July 2024 update to the Star Wars: Legion Core Rule Book, the forum has been reviewed & repopulated with answers in keeping with the latest rules. Posts requiring updated answers in the case of functionality changes have been highlighted with new answers where applicable. Posts pertaining to outdated game concepts or interactions have been removed.

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