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Standby states that only the unit that triggers the standby can be declared as defender of the attack is made off the standby. What if I spend a standby to perform a move that I get an attack at the end of? Can I delcare any defender in range as the attack came from the keyword and not the standby?


Thanks for your time. 

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Hi there,

The Relentless Unit Keyword (and Steady Charge!) may indeed be used following the free move action granted by spending a standby token.

If the standby token is spent to perform a free attack action, the only unit that can be declared as a defender during a free attack made in this way is the enemy unit that performed the effect that triggered the standby. If the standby is spent to perform a free move action, any attacks generated by that move action are not so limited!


13 hours ago, STABcast Ryan said:

Can I delcare any defender in range as the attack came from the keyword and not the standby?

Yes; a unit may perform a free attack action (granted by an eligible keyword) following the free move action granted by the standby token. Such a free attack action does not have any forced declared defender, and as such is not restricted to targeting the enemy unit that set off this chain of events.

Hope this helps,

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