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It appears that you can choose a unit with Prepared Positions to be your Transported unit. If you choose to use Prepared Positions on said unit you obviously lose out on the Speed-1 move from the Transport, but are you still able to issue orders to the transported unit? Commanders must be in command range to issue orders, but the rulebook does not have this same caveat for Transport orders. It appears this means that you could select a unit with Prepared Positions to be your Transported unit, deploy said unit with Prepared Positions during the Prepared Positions step of setup, and still give that unit an order during the Issue Orders step due to the Transport keyword.


TL;DR - Can you issue orders via Transport to a Transported unit that deploys during the Prepared Positions step of Setup?

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Hi there,

On 7/30/2024 at 12:36 PM, Hoffburger said:

TL;DR - Can you issue orders via Transport to a Transported unit that deploys during the Prepared Positions step of Setup?

Yes. A unit with the Transport may select a Corps or Special Forces unit with the Prepared Positions keyword during Setup, even if that unit is ultimately placed on the battlefield during the Deploy in Prepared Positions step and not deployed using Transport. It will still issue this unit an order as instructed.

Hope this helps,

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