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Hi, I know that you can't tell us about card errata, but I wanted to know if Jyn 3 pip actually allow us to complet the mission now ? 

How is the card working now with the new ruling ? Since I can't be panicked I won't be able to remove suppression equal to my courage value at the end of the unit activation ? 

So do I automatically become panicked again after ?

Thank you 

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  • Seth changed the title to Complete the Mission

Hello, Raistlin,

Jyn Erso's Complete the Mission reads:


(...) When a friendly trooper unit with a faceup order token activates, during its activation, it cannot become panicked or suppressed. (...)

Before or after the unit's activation, it may receive enough order tokens to become panicked. Complete the Mission only prevents panic during the ordered unit's activation.

On 1/16/2023 at 12:58 PM, Raistlin said:

Since I can't be panicked I won't be able to remove suppression equal to my courage value at the end of the unit activation ? 

You will not. This suppression removal is a consequence of beginning your Perform Actions step while panicked. Complete the Mission prevents the unit from becoming panicked during its activation.

Hope this helps,

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