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Field Commander and Promotion

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In the Promote section of the End Phase, it says that you promote a unit when all of a player's Commander units have been defeated.

The "Field Commander" keyword explicitly states that the unit is not a Commander.

1) While a Field Commander is active, a player has no Commander on the table. Can they promote a trooper unit, or does the promotion only trigger after a Commander that had been on the table is defeated?

2) Can a player promote a trooper unit during the End Phase after a Field Commander unit has been defeated?

3) If a player starts the game with Commander rank unit that is later defeated, can a unit with the Field Commander keyword be chosen as the new Commander? If yes, would they become a Commander rank as under the Promote rules, or retain their original rank as described in the Field Commander rules? 

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On 1/17/2023 at 1:55 PM, DekoPuma said:

1) While a Field Commander is active, a player has no Commander on the table. Can they promote a trooper unit, or does the promotion only trigger after a Commander that had been on the table is defeated?

A player will promote a trooper unit in the End Phase when they have no commander unit and no Field Commander unit with a commander token.

On 1/17/2023 at 1:55 PM, DekoPuma said:

2) Can a player promote a trooper unit during the End Phase after a Field Commander unit has been defeated?

Yes, as above; assuming the Field Commander unit had a commander token when defeated. 

On 1/17/2023 at 1:55 PM, DekoPuma said:

3) If a player starts the game with Commander rank unit that is later defeated, can a unit with the Field Commander keyword be chosen as the new Commander? If yes, would they become a Commander rank as under the Promote rules, or retain their original rank as described in the Field Commander rules? 

When a player is given the opportunity to promote a unit, a unit with Field Commander may not be selected if it is not a trooper unit.

Hope this helps,

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