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Plodding and Units Out of Cohesion

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Page 19 of the CRB states "If a unit is not in cohesion for whatever reason, its next action must be a move action that ends with all miniatures in cohesion." However, a unit with the plodding keyword can only take one move action during its activation, so consider the following scenario:

A unit of dark troopers uses their first action to move to a spot where they can't place all minis in legal cohesion, so they put them as close as possible. They are now out of cohesion, but they can't use their next action to move (due to plodding). Therefore, could they use their second action to do something else, such as attack?


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The unit's next action must be a move action to return miniatures to cohesion. The Imperial Dark Troopers are unable to perform an alternative action with their second action that activation, and would therefore not perform one.

Hope this helps,

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