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Standby Spending Limitations + Range

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I have two questions:

1. Is there a limitation on how many standby tokens you can spend when an enemy unit performs an action at range 1-2? If I have three units with standby tokens, and my opponent decides to perform an action at range 1-2 of all of them, can I spend them all at the same time?

2. If an enemy unit starts a move outside of standby range, and ends it within standby range, does that count as the unit performing an action at range 1-2?


Thank you! 

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8 hours ago, CT-5597 said:

1. Is there a limitation on how many standby tokens you can spend when an enemy unit performs an action at range 1-2? If I have three units with standby tokens, and my opponent decides to perform an action at range 1-2 of all of them, can I spend them all at the same time?


8 hours ago, CT-5597 said:

2. If an enemy unit starts a move outside of standby range, and ends it within standby range, does that count as the unit performing an action at range 1-2?

Yes. The Standby token is spent after the move, and the enemy unit will be at range 1-2 and LOS at that time.

Hope this helps,

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