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About JBFancourt

  • Birthday June 11

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  1. How is this timing resolved if both want to remove/replace the stress? Thanks! JBF
  2. For the activation-interrupting attacks (Snapshot, Foresight, Underslung Blaster, etc), does a pilot get the bump focus before or after these attacks? Thanks!
  3. Hello, Fairly niche question here: Can Anakin Skywalker (Naboo N-1 Starfighter) use his ability while ionized? - The barrel roll is not an ACTION - The ability triggers from “before you reveal your MANEUVER”, not your DIAL. We now select a maneuver while ionized, and the stated prohibition from triggering abilities is based on revealing the DIAL. “• Ships cannot use abilities that trigger from an ionized ship revealing its DIAL” (emphasis added) Does revealing a dial = or =/= revealing a maneuver? Thanks!
  4. So, both cards replace the timing of when a pilot engages. When both are used at the same time by opposing players, there’s a couple of different interpretations I’ve seen: 1) Player Order is significant. Whoever goes second “wins” the battle of when to engage. 2) Both happen. However, since the pilot has already engaged at PS 7, the pilot cannot engage anymore at PS 0. Thus, Heightened Perception always “wins”.
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