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X-winging it

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Everything posted by X-winging it

  1. The 2.5 rules state when A Device would be placed underneath more than 1 ships base that Device detonates immediately instead of in the activation phase But if This work to happen to an electro proton bomb that still had a remaining fuse would the bomb detonate immediately or just remove 1 fuse
  2. When a card or ability like Decloak instructs your ship to boost using the straight template may I Instead use the bank template. Also can I drop devices with a bank
  3. If at the beginning of the activation phase I use Leia organa's energy to decrease difficulty of a ship's move Can I then use daredevil on my boost maneuver to Decrease the difficulty of the boost
  4. Am I correct I'm thinking that you could reload a device on a ship and then drop it immediately next turn. Would the disarm prevent that?
  5. On the huge ship card corsair crew it states while you perform an attack against a standard ship you may spend 1 hit result if you do the defender gains 1 jam token. But what exactly is a standard ship. Am I correct in thinking that it's just a non huge ship, or is it a non bulleted ship.
  6. Since sensor scramblers lose their cloak token when in range 0-3 of an enemy is there a way to recover that cloak token later in the game or is it a 1 use modification
  7. If my the turns on my dial are already red stress maneuvers and I receive a damaged engine crit do I increase my maneuver difficulty to purple (as purple is considered the hardest maneuver) or does it just remain a red maneuver? Thanks!
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