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Posts posted by AMG_Sarah

  1. 46 minutes ago, The-Calf said:

    I was wondering if it's possible to play the tactics card Cat and Mouse after round 1?

    No, Cat and Mouse must be played directly after all characters are deployed. 

    47 minutes ago, The-Calf said:

    My second question is, certain cards will say "an allied (affiliation) may play this card". Does that mean the character has to be listed in the squad affiliation or allied but not squad list affiliation. 

    Only characters that are listed on the affiliation list are allied affiliated characters. 

    Per the Core Rules (page 13), characters that are not listed on an affiliation list are not affiliated characters even if your squad is using that affiliation. So in your example, only characters that are listed as part of the X-Force affiliation can play or benefit from those cards. 

  2. 2 hours ago, LowTierSteve said:

    Or is it intended to mean that only one of the two rogue agents on my squad may count towards the affiliation, so I’d need at least two other affiliated characters on my 5-person squad to use that affiliation?

    This interpretation is correct. Only one character that has the Rogue Agent superpower counts as affiliated, regardless of how many Rogue Agent characters are in the squad. 

  3. An attack MUST have a target to be declared and resolved. If, when measuring range, you determine a mistake was made, then the attack was never possible to begin with and so no action is spent. This is different than declaring an attack and then, through use of various reactive abilities or cards, the target is lost before the attack can be rolled. In the second case the action has been spent and the attack fails partway through. 

  4. On 9/9/2021 at 3:21 AM, Nexmonastica said:

    When using Sonic Rifle, does the attack place the symbiote tokens that was dropped as a result of Forced Separation being triggered? For example the symbiote token drops within range 2 of the target holding it as a result of Forced Separation, and then when all attacks have been resolved, if the symbiote token happens to be under where the range 5 template was initially placed, it may be placed within 2 range of the location where it was dropped. Is this correct?

    Yes, all Symbiote tokens that are under the range tool are moved, including those dropped as a result of the attack. 

    On 9/9/2021 at 3:21 AM, Nexmonastica said:

    If part 1 is correct then does the attacking character resolve all symbiote token placement, or is the movement done based on priority as stated under the Creepy Crawly Goo rule?

    The attacking character resolves all placements. 

    On 9/9/2021 at 3:21 AM, Nexmonastica said:

    Can the symbiote attach to a character after it is placed by the Sonic Rifle if it ends within range 1 of a character as per the Creepy Crawly Goo rule, or does it need to be the Cleanup Phase specifically for this part of the rule to take effect?

    No, Symbiotes only attach in this was as a result of Creepy Crawly Goo

  5. On 10/16/2021 at 3:46 PM, Zetan said:

    It wasn't made completely clear in the above thread; when a character holding a Sonic Rifle is KO'd, what happens? Does the rifle go into the symbiote discard pile (to be reshuffled if needed later) or does it leave the game with the character who was holding it?

    When a character is KO'd the Sonic Rifle should be removed from the character and placed in the discard pile. 

    On 10/16/2021 at 3:46 PM, Zetan said:

    Related, if a Symbiote token is dropped during an attack from the Sonic Rifle (either due to the Forced Separation rule or due to the target character becoming dazed/KO'd) if it is dropped to a location that is under the range tool, is it moved along with the tokens that were already there?


  6. On 10/16/2021 at 3:36 PM, Zetan said:

    For the Creepy Crawly Goo rule of Separation Anxiety, during the cleanup phase, can a single Symbiote be moved more than once? Does each player just move one, or do you continue taking turns moving them until all of them have been moved?

    Each player selects one Symbiote and moves it, regardless of if it has been moved by another player or not. This process repeats until all players have had a chance to move a single Symbiote token. 

    On 10/16/2021 at 3:51 PM, Zetan said:

    Also, if a Symbiote token is dropped during the resolution of Creepy Crawly Goo (because a character is dazed or KO'd from the damage of attempting to pick up a second token) does the newly dropped token also get moved?

    It can be, if a subsequent player chooses it. 

    On 10/16/2021 at 3:51 PM, Zetan said:

    If a character does not suffer damage from picking up a Symbiote token while already holding one (perhaps because the Inured to Pain rule on Agony) do they still gain one power from it?

    No, the power should only be gained if the character takes damage. 

    On 10/16/2021 at 3:51 PM, Zetan said:

    Finally, if the second card the character draws is a Sonic Rifle, do they still suffer the damage and gain the power? And do they still randomly discard one of the two cards, even though one is a Sonic Rifle?

    A Sonic Rifle is not a Symbiote, so no. 

  7. On 10/15/2021 at 2:46 PM, fingerguns said:

    (1) Interacts are free. Is a Defenders portal an interact?

    No. Mystic Portals do not specify an Interact ability and do not count for this rule. 

    On 10/15/2021 at 2:46 PM, fingerguns said:

    (2) can you interact with a container while already holding a symbiote? If so, what is the result if you draw a symbiote from the deck?

    Yes, you can still Interact with a Canister while holding a Symbiote token. If you draw a Symbiote, follow the same procedure as Creepy Crawly Goo: if the interacting character already has a Symbiote, they take 1 damage, gain 1 power, and discard a Symbiote (and its token) at random. 

    On 10/15/2021 at 2:46 PM, fingerguns said:

    (3) can the klyntar beacon be stolen by steal/drop effects

    The Klyntar beacon should be treated as an Asset token. Any effect that would affect an Asset token works with the Klyntar beacon. 

    On 10/18/2021 at 10:33 AM, fingerguns said:

    (3)(a) If Miles uses Venom Blast on a character holding a symbiote, do they drop the symbiote

    Symbiotes are objective tokens but NOT Asset or Civilian tokens. If an effect would work on an objective token (Like Miles' Venom Blast) it works on the Symbiote token. 

    On 10/18/2021 at 10:33 AM, fingerguns said:

    (b) Can you also confirm that using Venom Blast on a character holding a sonic rifle, they would not drop the rifle, as there's no token to drop?

    The Sonic Rifle is not a token, so effects that target objective tokens of any sort do not affect the Sonic Rifle. 

  8. The rules of the Separation Anxiety contain the following special rule: 


    Pah! WEAKLING!: When a character holding a Symbiote token drops or loses it, they also discard their Symbiote card.

    As per the Core Rules of MCP, when a character is Dazed or KO'd they drop all objective tokens they are holding. Symbiote tokens are objective tokens, so being Dazed or KO'd forces a character to drop it. Dropping the token triggers the above rule, and the Symbiote is lost. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, Kisiniei said:

    I have a question about Star-Lord's Plucky Attitude. Do you have to reroll all of the dice, or can you choose which dice are rerolled?

    You do not have to use the Plucky Attitude superpower just because an attack roll has no hits or a defense roll has no blocks. But if you do use the superpower, you do have to reroll all dice. You cannot pick and choose. 

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